The team
Steering Team

Giovanni Comandé
Full Professor of Private Comparative Law at Scuola Superiore S. Anna Pisa, Italy. (Phd. SSSA, LLM Harvard Law School) Director of the LIDER-LAB ( Attorney at law (Pisa since 1995) (New York Bar since 1997). Mediator, mediation trainer. He has taught in and visited numerous universities in the world. Scientific director of many research projects funded by MIUR, CNR, ESF, EU, the Canadian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Public Administrations, public and private companies and organizations. Main current projects: LEADs -Legality Attentive Data Scientists (Coordinator) H2020-MSCA-ITN-2020; SoBigData++: European Integrated Infrastructure for Social Mining and Big Data Analytics; INFRAIA-H2020-EU. (task Leader) – Predictive Jurisprudence, (PI) Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna. Author of 6 monographs, editor of 14 collective works, published more than 200 articles, notes, chapters in Italian, English, French, and Spanish. He is founder and president of Smartex s.r.l. ( a Spin Off of Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna.

Denise Amram
Denise Amram (National Scientific Qualification as Associate Professor, 2020; PhD in Law, SSSA, 2012, State Bar of Pisa, 2010) is currently affiliate researcher at LIDER Lab – DIRPOLIS Institute, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna. Since 2018, she serves as the Data Protection Officer at Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna and Scuola Normale Superiore. Coordinator of the Permanent Observatory on Personal Injury Damages and of the research line ETHOS, she authored and co-authored ~ 100 publications, including a book and 2 co-editions.

Daniele Licari
Daniele Licari, Computer scientist with PhD in Computational Chemistry, 10 years of experience in the development of tools for data analysis. He specializes in advanced machine learning techniques applied in various sectors (chemistry, computer vision, NLP). In 2019 he joined the EMbeDS Department of Excellence enabling data science projects in social sciences. He conceived and successfully co-teaches the courses Introduction to Programming and Machine Processing that attract students (non-computer scientists) from all areas of the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, PhD students from the Gran Sasso Scientific Institute and Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa.
Domain Experts

Maria Giuliana Civinini
Dr. Maria Giuliana Civinini, President of the Tribunal of Pisa since August 2019. In the judiciary since 1983, she was named referendary councilwoman at the Supreme Court of Cassation in 1999. She was elected member of the High Council for the Judiciary in 2002, office she hold until July 2006. She has been seconded in the CSDP Mission EULEX Kosovo in the position of President of the Assembly of EULEX Judges from April 2008 to May 2011. She was President of the Civil and Labor Chamber of the Tribunal of Livorno from May 2011 to December 2015, President of the Criminal Chamber of the Tribunal of Livorno from January 2016 to January 2017 and she was also acting President of the Tribunal of Livorno from January to July 2017. She has been Co-Agent of the Italian Government in front of the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg from July 2017 to July 2019. For long she deals with judicial training at national and international level. She assisted the Consultative Council of European Judges as an expert. She cooperates with OSCE, EJTN, IPA and Twinning Projects (support to the Kosovo Judicial Council and Kosovo Prosecutorial Council; support to the Judicial Training Institute of Tunisia), TAIEX training and support actions (Albania, Bosnia, Macedonia, Repubblica Dominicana).

Domenico Pellegrini
Dr. Domenico Pellegrini. Magistrate, President of Section IV of the family Court of Genoa. In the judiciary since 1990, first public prosecutor in Savona, then criminal judge in Acqui Terme, finally criminal and then civil judge of the Court of Genoa. Director of Criminal Area of the Directorate General of Automated Information Systems from 2006 to 2009 where he led the design, implementation and distribution of the main software in use for cognition and criminal execution. Member and Coordinator of the Organizational Technical Structure of the CSM from 2014 to 2018.

Francesca Chiaromonte
Prof. Dr. Francesca Chiaromonte (full professor of Statistics) develops methods for the analysis of large, high-dimensional and complex data, and applies such methods in several scientific fields – including “Omics” sciences, Meteorology and Economics. She earned a Laurea from the University of Rome La Sapienza and a Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota. At the Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, she is the Scientific Coordinator of the EMbeDS Department of Excellence (Economics and Management in the era of Data Science). At the Pennsylvania State University, she has been awarded the Dorothy Foehr Huck and J. Lloyd Huck Chair in Statistics for the Life Sciences. Francesca is a Fellow of the American Statistical Association.

Vern R. Walker
Vern R. Walker – Professor Emeritus of Law; Founder and Former Director of the Research Laboratory for Law, Logic & Technology (LLT Lab); Hofstra University. Vern R. Walker is dedicated to applied legal theory – using the best available theories to solve the most difficult problems in law. His expertise integrates legal practice, artificial intelligence, statistical analysis, scientific reasoning and philosophical conceptualization. He currently directs The Legal Semantics Project, whose goal is to develop scalable AI tools that assist human decision makers by automating necessary sub-tasks within legal reasoning, such as automatically mining past legal decisions for possible arguments in future cases. He holds a J.D. in law from Yale University, as well as a Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of Notre Dame. He was a partner in a D.C. law firm, and he has been at Hofstra University since 1988. His publications focus on artificial intelligence, linguistic analysis, knowledge theory, logic, and the use of scientific evidence in legal proof.

Stephen R. Strong
Stephen R. Strong – BSME, MSOR, CTO of Apprentice Systems and lead architect/developer of the Legal Apprentice. 40 years of software development experience with a focus on modeling actionable knowledge using data and dynamic languages. Stephen is credited with creating the Legal Semantic JSON format (LSJSON), and extensible data format used to store legal case files and collect custom markup of sentences, paragraphs and rule trees. JSLSON is use to unify a knowledge pipeline making it possible to locate and extract legal arguments from raw text.

Maria Francesca Romano
Maria Francesca Romano is Associate Professor in Social Statistics at the Institute of Economics, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna. She authored and co-authored more than 120 publications in international journals or books chapter. In last years her research interest is completely focused on text mining of judgements.

Lucia Cannata
Dr. Lucia Cannata, member of the Permament Observatory on Personal Injury Damages at Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies.

Valentina Ceccarelli
Lawyer, executive board of the Osservatorio Permanente sul Danno alla Persona at Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies.

Benedetta Guidi
Forensic Pathologist, Ph.D in Clinical and Translational Sciences, since 2009 employed at Azienda USL Toscana Nord-Ovest. Executive board of the Permanent Observatory on Personal Injury Damages at Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, in Pisa. She authored and co-authored several publications.

Ottavia Pizzo
Lawyer, partner of BTG Legal, referent of the Complex bodily injury claims and health, safety & regulatory Sector of the Global Insurance Law Connect, member of the Permanent Observatory on Personal Injury Damages at Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies

Isabella Sardella
Lawyer, executive board of the Osservatorio Permanente sul Danno alla Persona at Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies.

Giulia Schneider
Dr. Giulia Schneider, PhD in International Law & Economics at Bocconi University, is Postdoctoral Researcher in Private Comparative Law at Lider Lab, Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies Pisa. She is lawyer and lecturer at University of Pisa in Business & Commercial Law.

Elisa Serani
Lawyer, executive board of the Osservatorio Permanente sul Danno alla Persona at Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies

Giorgia Bucaria
Giorgia Bucaria, Honors Student in Law at Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies. Law student at the University of Pisa.

Camilla Signoretta
Camilla Signoretta, Graduated cum laude in Law at University of Pisa, Honours Law Student & scholarship holder at Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies (Pisa), where involved in research projects with in the field of Comparative Private Law as a Research Assistant at Lider-Lab. Visiting researcher at Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition (Munich) and PhD Candidate in Legal Studies – International and European Law at Bocconi University (Milano).

Nicola Petrucco
Nicola Petrucco, Honors Student in Law at Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies. Law student at the University of Pisa.
Umberto Lattanzi
Dr. Umberto Lattanzi, Honors Student in Law at Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies. Law Degree at University of Pisa.
Federico Lusiani
Federico Lusiani, Honors Student in Software engineering at Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies. Law student at the University of Pisa.

Irina Carnat
Irina Carnat, law graduate cum laude at the University of Brescia and qualifying lawyer, is currently a National Ph.D. student in Artificial Intelligence at the University of Pisa and Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna.

Francesco Saverio Della Corte
Francesco Saverio Della Corte – Honours law Student at Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies (Pisa) – LL.M. Researcher in Comparative, European and International Laws at the European University Institute (Florence)”.